Tips & Tricks
Fun Links
This blog is a collection of Fun Links, that I saved from the Blog Clean Up! All of the fun links are not serious, So enjoy. Fun links Canadian, Please The video got striped out of the blog post. Here is the link to the video....
I want to Learn SQL Querying!
As a Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (MEMCM / MECM / SCCM /ConfigMgr ) administrator, you will be asked to create reports. MECM Reporting really really SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) reporting. In some case it is Power BI Desktop or Power BI Report...
Accessing MECM Data and Who Should Have Access to It.
This is one of the blogs that I saved from the Blog Clean Up! I’m sure people are asking why save, fix up and republish a blog from March 2007 about SMS 2003? The funny thing is that Rod said back then is still true today! Accessing MECM Data and Who Should Have...
Free Certifications!
This is one of the blogs that I saved from the Blog Clean Up! I’m sure people are asking why save, fix up and republish a blog from 2008 about Certifications? The answer is that I believe in them! I know that a lot of people don’t have faith in them but I do! I have...
Blog Clean Up
I have had a blog going since 2004! And I have migrated the blog site from various blogging software over the years to where it is now. It also came from various sites like,,, etc. In 2006, one of my goals was to release one blog per...
VM Collections!
While reading a Reddit, I ran across a post WQL Query SCCM. Originally the post was listed in another language, I forget which one as it is not important. After some back and forth, I understand they he wanted to create a collection of VM host. In this article I will...
Navigating Intune Reporting: Elevate Your Reporting Skills with Power BI
In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, effective reporting is crucial for organizations to make informed decisions and optimize their operations. For IT professionals and administrators working with Microsoft Intune, mastering the art of reporting is essential...
Navigating Intune Reporting: Elevate Your Reporting Skills with Power BI
In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, effective reporting is crucial for organizations to make informed decisions and optimize their operations. For IT professionals and administrators working with Microsoft Intune, mastering the art of reporting is essential...
Certificate Blogs
Over the last little while I have been updating or releasing new Certificate blogs to help with setting up HTTTP for Power BI Report Server (PBRS) or SQL Server Report Services (SSRS). But this also included more generic blogs such as how to request a cert too. Since...
How to Create RDP Certificate Enrollment GPO?
Wow, I found a second blog and video that I didn’t publish from 2022. So here is it. Now that that you have created the Remote Desktop (RDP) Certificate template. How do you enroll ensure that computer will use it? Group Policy Object (GPO) is the easiest way. This...