Blog Clean Up

by | Sep 21, 2022 | odds and ends

Last updated on July 15th, 2023 at 03:00 pm

I have had a blog going since 2004! And I have migrated the blog site from various blogging software over the years to where it is now. It also came from various sites like,,, etc. In 2006, one of my goals was to release one blog per day! Wow that was a lot of work! But while reviewing them, I noticed that there where many blogs that just didn’t provide enough details. Also, there is ton of outdate blogs! Who want to learn about SMS 2003! Or Exam prep questions and answers I created for the user group for 70-298? On top of that, there are many where the links don’t work, or image are gone or that are just not worth updating. So, I’m doing Blog Clean Up. This means that when I’m done only quality blogs will exist. And all of them will pass Yoast SEO tool for readability and SEO.

Blog Clean Up

Blog Clean Up in Progress.

It also means that I will be updating a ton of blogs to add details to them. In some case I will merge blog into a new one and re-lease it. aka My bartending course blogs. Today as I write this, I have deleted more then half of the old blogs (e.g. 598 blogs deleted) Where as 500 are published and 6 are schedule to come out in the future. Yes, I pre-post most of my blogs! Watch for “most” of them to come out on Wednesday between 10-11 am Eastern time.

This clean up process is part of a bigger task to fixing and brand my blog site. This will mean that over the coming weeks you will see the site be completely revamped and look much more in my style. No, I’m not personally updating the site, I have hire someone to do it for me!

I also hoping to add a few cool features to the site!

What I have done so far has been a huge amount of work and it will get even bigger as I continue to “ruthlessly” delete old content! Then it will be on to refreshing all the old relevant content! Just by looking at my “todo” list, there will be months and months of word to do! This will not stop me from what other blogs that I’m also working on. I have a whole set of Intune blogs. Additionally, a set on MECM client health reports. So stay tune!

Before the Clean Up

Before the Blog Clean Up!

Come on, just look at this style that I created before the Blog Clean Up ! Anyone with a web background can do something better that the “defaults” I have! It reminds me of the Windows of Workgroup theme “hot dog”!

I would love to hear your feedback on what you think of the site as it is updated! If you have any questions, please feel free to touch base @Garthmj. Finally, don’t forget that you can subscribe to my RRS feed to stay on top of the latest trips and tricks. Additionally,