Tips & Tricks

How to Query a Tesla with PowerShell

How to Query a Tesla with PowerShell

As some of you might know, I needed to replace my car, so I replaced it with a Tesla Model 3 (base model). Also, there is a long story about why I wanted to see what information I could query from my Tesla that I’m not going to get into. What I will tell you is that...

Did Someone Say Coffee?

Did Someone Say Coffee?

It seems to me that the team here at the Enhansoft Development Studio drinks a lot of coffee! We are always buying more and more coffee pods each week. A while back, we felt guilty about throwing away all of the pods, so we started to collect them. Not knowing what to...

How Much Is the Carbon Offset Cost for My Flight?

How Much Is the Carbon Offset Cost for My Flight?

Earlier this year, before any travel restrictions were in place and virtual conferences became the norm. I was curious about carbon offset costs. With all of the discussion lately about climate change and how air travel produces a lot of carbon. I wanted to know:...

Certificate Blogs

Certificate Blogs

Over the last little while I have been updating or releasing new Certificate blogs to help with setting up HTTTP for Power BI Report Server (PBRS) or SQL Server Report Services (SSRS). But this also included more generic blogs such as how to request a cert too. Since...

Certificate Blogs

Over the last little while I have been updating or releasing new Certificate blogs to help with setting up HTTTP for Power BI Report Server (PBRS) or SQL Server Report Services (SSRS). But this also included more generic blogs such as how to request a cert too. Since...

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What Is Parsename and 4 Part Version String?

In my article from last week, What Is A 4-Part Version Numbers? I showed you how Add Remove Program (ARP) versions are actually a string and not a number, like most people think it is. But how can you query the 3rd octet of a version string, if the math function don’t...