What does the acronym you use, say about you?

What does the acronym you use, say about you?

Lawful Good Neutral Good Chaotic Good MEMCM ConfigMan or CfgMan or CfgMgr SMS Lawful Neutral True Neutral Chaotic Neutral MCM ConfigMgr CM Lawful Evil Neutral Evil Chaotic Evil MECM SCCM SCCMCB What does the acronym you use, say about you? The other day I posted a...


So to celebrate my 40th birthday I purchased a 40 year old bottle of Scotch. The funny story about this was I “carded”. By that I mean they asked to check my id, not because they didn’t think I was 19. But  because who would buy a pricy bottle?...
365 Posts

365 Posts

Well, with this post I have now officially met my goal of one blog post per day for a year e.g. 365 posts. Sort of. 🙂 The year actually will end on Jan 2 2008. It was a lot of work and I learn a ton while doing this. Least of which is how to pre-post blogs! Reflecting...
Windows Experience Index

Windows Experience Index

The other day I needed to purchase a new laptop with Vista on it as my old laptop had a Windows Experience Index rating of 1.0. This was evident in how slow the laptop was! 21 months ago I purchased a “throw away” laptop that was to last just 1 year before I would...