Tip of The Day – Desktop Icons

by | Feb 26, 2010 | odds and ends

Last updated on July 29th, 2022 at 08:33 am

I am back from TechDays Ottawa. Where I was using my laptop to give a presentation on Hyper-v live migration. Anyways Rick walked into the room as I was just about to “clean” my desktop of folders and icons.  I always do before a giving a presentation. Who wants to see a message desktop. Normally what I do is drag all of my lesser important Desktop Icons into a folder on my screen. It can be a hard to decide which icons to move.  

Desktop Icons

Rick said “Let me show you this cool feature of Windows designed just for presenters!” Then he proceeded to right click my desktop, point to View then unselect Show desktop icons.


After doing this all they “disappeared” from my desktop.

Windows 10 /Windows 11 Desktop

Moving forward to 2022! I’m cleaning up my blog and This is one of the blogs that I saved from the Blog Clean Up! Does this still work with Windows 10 or Windows 11? Yes, it does still work. Below is the before picture of one of my desktops screens!

Removing Desktop Icons

Unselect the Show desktop Icons menu item.

Now the after image. It is not all the interesting to show a desktop without any them.

To reenable the icons, go back and select the Show desktop icons again and voilà all of your icons are back again!

So, if you have to give a presentation and you don’t want to move around all of your icons, try this trick.

What other presenter tricks do you have? Please feel free to share them with others, so they to can learn these tricks.

Finally, don’t forget that you can subscribe to my RRS feed to stay on top of the latest trips and tricks. Additionally, If you have any questions, please feel free to touch base @Garthmj.