VM Collections!

VM Collections!

While reading a Reddit, I ran across a post WQL Query SCCM. Originally the post was listed in another language, I forget which one as it is not important. After some back and forth, I understand they he wanted to create a collection of VM host. In this article I will...
How to use PowerShell to query SQL Database?

How to use PowerShell to query SQL Database?

This question comes up from time to time, where someone want to query MEMCM using WQL and runs into problems. I have done allot of work with WQL recently. What you will find when you query WMI with WQL is that you will easily hit WMI timeouts or Quota Violation from...
How to Write a WQL Query

How to Write a WQL Query

You know I always like to help those who try to help themselves. While reading Reddit post entitled SCCM Collection missing machines… the person was looking for all computers that follow a particular naming convention. Their results were not that they expected....
Garth’s Top 5 Features of Right Click Tools

Garth’s Top 5 Features of Right Click Tools

You should have heard the great news by now that Enhansoft has joined with Recast Software! I have long been a fan of Recast Software’s Right Click Tools and prior to joining Recast Software, I used the free Community Edition within all of my labs. Now, I have the...