How to Use WMIC

How to Use WMIC

In yesterday’s Why WMIC is Useful!, I talked about using Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line (WMIC) to troubleshoot WMI issues. I need to user WMIC to troubleshoot a x86 problem on a x64 computer. You might think that Wbemtest would be the tool to use but...
Why WMIC is Useful!

Why WMIC is Useful!

WMIC or WMI command line, is another WMI tool found on every computer. This one, similar to wbemtest, as it allows you to query WMI but from a command line. This mean that you can use it within a batch file or other command line software to collect results from WMI....
How Do You Wipe Clean a Hard Drive?

How Do You Wipe Clean a Hard Drive?

Similar to many IT professionals, I often receive requests from friends and family about how to Wipe Clean a Hard Drive of sensitive data from old computers, USB, Floppy disk, etc.  Usually what I suggest, and do myself, is to pull the hard drive out and stock...
Resultant Client Settings

Resultant Client Settings

Recently I was troubleshooting an issue involving Custom Device Settings (CDS) in Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (MEMCM / MECM / SCCM / ConfigMgr). A computer was performing a hardware (HW) inventory every hour instead of every day. Eventually this issue was...
7 Tips for Mobile Device Management

7 Tips for Mobile Device Management

Thank you to everyone who attended the recent MVP Cloud Roadshow which was organized by the Ottawa Windows Server User Group (OWSUG). I had a great time talking about the 7 tips I recommend for mobile device management (MDM) with Exchange Connector, Intune (hybrid)...