Blog Clean Up

Blog Clean Up

I have had a blog going since 2004! And I have migrated the blog site from various blogging software over the years to where it is now. It also came from various sites like,,, etc. In 2006, one of my goals was to release one blog per...
VM Collections!

VM Collections!

While reading a Reddit, I ran across a post WQL Query SCCM. Originally the post was listed in another language, I forget which one as it is not important. After some back and forth, I understand they he wanted to create a collection of VM host. In this article I will...
How to Create a Second Profile within Chrome?

How to Create a Second Profile within Chrome?

Last Friday (as I write this) I was working with Bryan Dam and I saw him switch profiles within a browser, I forget which browse it was but it was one of the things that I knew that you can do, but it was never obvious to me how you create one. At the time I should...
How to Create an Outlook Email Rule!

How to Create an Outlook Email Rule!

Managing your inbox can be a full-time job! I learn a long time ago that I need Inbox rules to move email from my inbox to folder so that I can deal with them later! I was surprised to learn that not everyone knows how to create an outlook rule to manage their inbox!...