Cleaning Up Old PC Monitor Data

Cleaning Up Old PC Monitor Data

Removing old monitor data is extremely useful if you are trying to take stock of your PC monitor inventory. But how do you cleaning up old PC monitor data? In this article we will cover the steps need to do this. There are many reasons why old monitor data exists on a...
Is the No_SMS_On_Drive.SMS file on all site servers?

Is the No_SMS_On_Drive.SMS file on all site servers?

Last week we posted a series of blog posts to answer the question, “How can I ensure that the No_SMS_On_Drive.SMS file is on all site servers?” In case you missed it, the answer was that you needed to use DCM. We showed you step-by-step instructions on how to create a...
Assigning No_SMS_On_Drive.SMS File Baseline

Assigning No_SMS_On_Drive.SMS File Baseline

Recently a client asked, “How can I ensure that the No_SMS_On_Drive.SMS file is on all site servers?” This is easy to do with Microsoft Endpoint Manager Configuation Manager (MEMCM / MECM / SCCM) You need to use DCM, and over a series of blog posts, we will show you...
Wild Card Prompts

Wild Card Prompts

Question: Can the input variable that is query based be searchable similar to the native SCCM Web Reporting interface? i.e. Can the Collection ID be searched using a wild card rather than having to select one from a drop down only? Background: Let us assume that we...